Wednesday, January 26, 2005

Winter blues in Fresno

Well, it sure has been a cold and wet winter in Fresno, and for the rest of the country. I actually welcome the rain especially since experts have said that there's been a drought in California for 5 years now. I've been through droughts and water rationing before, and that is no fun! So rain, rain, come again.

But what we have in Fresno is mild compared to many parts in the US. The New England area was pounded this past weekend. Massachusetts received a whopping 38 inches of snow the past weekend! Check out this house by the oceanfront that was pounded by high waves and snow and has frozen over:

Pretty crazy, huh? So the weather in Fresno is nothing compared to most places.

On a different note (that has nothing to do with Fresno), I have seen this picture for a week now on Yahoo. It brings a smile to my face each time. Check out this cutie in Thailand that has been potty-trained:

What next? How about potty-trained and reading a newspaper while taking care of "business"? :)